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"Now, I understand that God didn't take anything from me, but instead, He gave me something - a story to tell the world."  CJ Stewart

The Battle Tested

"In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world."

John 16:33

        No matter where you were born or how old you are, one thing that we all have in common is life is hard.  It doesn’t matter if you grew up on rough city streets or some back country roads, there will always be bumps on the path that we call life.  Even as a believer in Christ, sometimes it seems harder to persevere through adversity.  This is taught to us throughout the pages of the Bible. This world is tough and will be challenging at times, but also very rewarding and joyful.  Our job, to hold fast to the faith we have regardless of the current situation and be steadfast in our devotion to God no matter what.

        The ironic thing about all of us coming from different backgrounds and upbringings is that we all face different battles here on earth.  For me, my battle was physical in fighting for my very life.  It was a very difficult struggle for a very long time.  I have a tremendous story, I will have to admit, and I had little to do with it.  God has done some pretty remarkable things in my life, some of which required me to make many painful, daily decisions.  Yet, I never doubted the outcome because I knew how the story was, and is, going to end for me one day.


        I have never had a big concern for my physical health, and believe I was given an extra sense by my Maker.  A sense that allows me to accept great pain in my body, then to continue on with life.  I think of it as my “Oh Well” gene.  I have scars from head to toe from all 23 years of living on this earth.  That is why I can openly tell you, though my story might be a little wilder and involve a lot more blood, it was NOT the most difficult one to overcome.


        There are people all around you today that are going through some of the most difficult things this life has to offer.  Someone just popped into your head as you read that.  That someone might be you.  If it's not you right now, rejoice in the blessings of your life, but remember those who are currently struggling as a chance to learn for yourself.  If you are one of the ones struggling with an area of life, remember to hold fast on the hope of all those who have gone through the fires of life before you and succeeded.


        Once you have made it out to the other side, the mission continues.  It is now your job to share with others the journey you have just endured.  All of the good and bad moments involved.  This may be the hardest part of the battle.  In the end, the reward for helping anothers in similar circumstances succeed far outweighs the pain you went through.  Showing your scars always takes more courage than how you got them.  The Battle Tested not only survives their life changing events, but thrives in life after overcoming it.  Are you Battle Tested?





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